Recyclability by Design guidelines for plastic packaging

RECOUP, a member based plastics recycling organisation working across the plastic supply chain to promote good practice, provide information and aid the sustainable development of UK plastics recycling, has published Recyclability by Design guidelines to help the industry understand the full technicalities of plastic packaging recyclability.

The full technical version of Recyclability by Design provides details on how to recycle plastic packaging, including sustainable alternatives for some of the issues encountered with the various polymers and packaging types.

For the Summary version and the “Design Tips” version – visit the RECOUP reports page to download.


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RAIKU sustainable packaging to win global business award

Estonian company RAIKU received the grand prize at Creative Business Cup Global 2020 for its sustainable packagings made of a patented compostable wooden fabric to replace bubble wrap.

About 40% of the wood in veneer production is leftovers, in other words – waste – and gets burned. RAIKU has a patented solution to substitute plastic bubble wrap using wood and wood industry’s waste. Their wooden fabric is structurally protective for shipments, affordable compared to current plastic and eco alternatives, as well as biodegradable.

“Raiku’s business concept solves the waste problem in all of its production and consumer chains and is thus fully sustainable. These kind of solutions are exactly what the market needs,” commented Rasmus Wiinstedt Tscherning, founder and Managing Director of of Creative Business Cup.

News source: Loov Eesti and