Reverse Resources is redefining textile waste

An Estonian founded company operating in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and China, estimates that up to 47% of all fabric and fibre get wasted at different stages of production in the textile industry. Luckily, they are providing a solution. Reverse Resources (RR) is a tracking and trading platform for textile waste, providing 360 degree transparency of the waste flows.

Recycling textiles to fashion products is no more a technical challenge. It’s a problem of blocked access to waste, incomplete waste data and inflated prices caused by the current waste handling and trading practices.

Reverse Resources holds a key to a large global network of critical stakeholders, matching the supply and demand, breaking down market barriers, shortening supply chains and thereby increasing value along the way. They help to bring down the cost of textile-to-textile recycling and support the scale-up of circular economy.

For garment factories, the platform offers a digital warehouse where composition, amount and background details on leftover materials is registered.

For waste handlers, the platform offers access to a digital warehouse where they can access the RR network, thus giving them the opportunity to work with pre-segregated textile scraps and expand their network of recyclates.

For recyclers / spinners,  the platform offers an overview of the number of leftovers, their background and availability in different locations.

And for brands, the platform provides all types of statistics on waste streams, keeps track of the KPIs and shows how much of their production waste has been recycled and what has not.


Article source and photos:,,

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